Exercise and mental health

I’m a firm believer in the mental benefits of exercise. Poor mental health is something I’ve experienced. And without exercise, I probably wouldn’t be here.

I suffered from extreme anxiety as a child. This led to depression and an overdose when I was 16.

Eventually, I received an autism diagnosis which highlighted many of my struggles. For much of my life, I’ve had low self-esteem and felt different.

However, exercise has always kept me balanced. It’s allowed me to conquer my fears and do amazing things with my life. From running my own business abroad to stepping into a boxing ring.

The most rewarding part though, has been helping others. Since qualifying as a Personal Trainer – I’ve helped hundreds of my clients lead happier, more positive lives.  

I understand how hard it is to take the first step. Especially when you’re suffering from poor mental health. You may be anxious, lack energy or just not see the point in exercise. I’ve been there and know how overwhelming these feelings can be.

Gyms and classes can also feel claustrophobic and stressful. This can be detrimental for a person with anxiety or depression.

Many of my clients have struggled with anxiety. Fortunately, I’ve been able to provide them with a friendly, non-judgemental environment. One where you go at your own pace and can enjoy some fresh air.

Like me, you may struggle to talk about mental health. I’m more than happy to listen though. Exercise has been amazing therapy for me. Hopefully, it can help you too.

You’re welcome to get in touch for a chat and to see how I can help you.

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