Benefits of outdoor training

Outdoor training is a great alternative to the gym. Especially for anxious people and those who lack confidence.

A packed studio or gym can be an intimidating place. You may feel put off by younger, fitter members, or just not enjoy generic music and sweaty machines.

With outdoor training – there’s no one to judge you or make you feel inferior. Training in nature has numerous health benefits.

Improves mental health

Gladwell et al. (2013) argue that outdoor exercise benefits your mental health more than indoor exercise. For example, exercising in nature is a more effective way to lower the stress hormone cortisol.

Also, the sun exposes you to vitamin D. This is essential for mood regulation and helps keep your muscles and bones strong.

Sense of achievement

Outdoor training can be challenging at times. We all know the UK’s reputation for bad weather!

However, training in such conditions can be rewarding and give you quicker results. The great outdoors challenges you in ways the gym can’t.

For example, outdoor spaces offer different terrains and inclines. They also expose you to the elements such as wind, which can add intensity to your workout.

Training in these spaces is challenging but can leave you with a sense of achievement. Something you may not get in the comfort of a gym.

Torches calories

Training in the warmth might be your top choice. But winter training has added benefits. When you exercise in the cold – your body works harder – meaning you can burn more calories (Aston University).

It can be hard to motivate yourself to train in the winter. You’ll be surprised how quickly your body adapts, though.

So, as long as it’s safe – get outdoors and give yourself a challenge. Whether you run, walk, or do an activity like circuits – taking it outside is highly rewarding!


Gladwell VF, Brown DK, Wood C, Sandercock GR, Barton JL. (2013) The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all [online]. Available at:

Aston University (no date), Benefits of Training in Cold weather [online]. Available at:

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