Do you struggle to lose weight?

Losing weight can seem like a challenge. But it needn’t be. Here’s some tips to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Avoid fad diets

All diets work because you’re eating fewer calories than you’re burning. They don’t need to be extreme to do that.

Fad diets include the ‘Cambridge’ and the ‘cabbage soup’ diets. They work because you don’t eat much. And they cause rapid weight loss.

But they’re hard to stick to and can cause weight gain in the long term.

This happens because if you restrict calories, your body goes into starvation mode. And when you go back to normal eating, you store more calories as fat.

Fat’s a valuable energy source. And your body stores it in case you have another period of starvation and need to maintain your energy levels.

But if you lose weight slowly, you’re more likely to keep it off.

Aim for about half a kilo to a kilo a week. Any more than that is likely to be water or muscle you’re losing. Not fat.

The other problem with fad diets is they cut out food groups. There are two problems with this.

First, if you don’t eat a balanced diet, you’re more likely to get ill.

Second, if you exclude food from your diet, it’s harder to resist.

Just eat sensibly and have things in moderation. It’s easier to stick to long term.

Introduce more fibre into your diet

High-fibre foods leave you feeling satisfied. Which can prevent snacking between meals. Snacking’s a guaranteed way to consume unnecessary calories. And gain weight.

To get high-fibre foods, go for wholegrain options. And try to eat some fruit and veg. Aim for around 5 – 7 portions a day. Ensure to have a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables.

And it doesn’t need to be fresh. Frozen and dried also count.

Fibre can also help your bowels function better, reducing the likelihood of certain cancers.

The key thing about weight loss is how you view it. It’s not about being on a diet. It’s about making simple changes to your lifestyle.

Resulting in a healthier, happier you!

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